Wednesday, December 25, 2002

Well, it went. Everyone ate, and now they've all gone to bed.

No, seriously, not a bad year this year. Apart from Jazz eating an entire Terry's Chocolate Orange and being heartily sick on the deck, and Rachel getting her sticky little head thingy stuck to the ceiling, no major crises. Tomorrow I have to go and do boxing day at the mall which should be an adventure, and at the moment I don't want to go to bed because I've eaten too much and I'm sure I'll have bad dreams...

Tuesday, December 24, 2002

when I say a big yam, I mean a really big yam. Every year at Christmas the grocery store fetches out all the decent-sized yams they've been hoarding in the back, and sells them for 49 c a pound. Seriously, they are the size of small chickens. A meal all in themselves. Who needs turkey when the yams are this big. And I have a beautiful butternut squash, and fresh brussels sprouts, I'm feeling quite pleased with myself. My father is bringing the turkey, I figure if he wants to roast birds he can knock himself out...

All this month I've been selling change to the couple running a kitchen implement stall just down the way from me at the mall, and today they brought me a present: red and green dyed popcorn kernels in a plastic bottle with a ribbon round it. It popped up real nice but the kids were disappointed that it was only the hulls that were dyed. We ate it, anyway, but now I'm wondering if I'll glow in the dark from so much dye.
Things that have so far been good about Christmas:

it's a small list, granted

teaching Ian the words to O Holy Night and singing it with him
gin (warms the cockles of your heart, whatever the hell that means)
a big batch of molasses raisin cookies in the cookie jar
the mall's closed until boxing day

that's about it. tomorrow I'm cooking a big yam for Christmas dinner. and making trifle. and probably dodging the missiles launched by my mother.

sometimes I think being an orphan is underrated.

Sunday, December 22, 2002

Oh, ho ho, what a joy it is to work in retail at Christmas time.

Can you feel the sarcasm?