Thursday, October 17, 2002

From one end of things to the other, today. Spent some of the morning helping Rachel's class read. "Stella is our new dog. When we say sit, Stella rolls over..." then from there I went to the library to research the Nisga'a (original residents of the Nass Valley, on the British Columbia North Coast) and their aboriginal title legal battles. I got a bit sidetracked reading missionary accounts from the 1890's, funny stuff, the reverend guys complaining about the "manners" of the Nisga'a and the Tsimshian. No idea that the Nisga'a probably thought these white folk were just plain crazy, always wanting to talk about the bible... At one point, the reverend is talking to a chief, and he tells him that the bible speaks against adultery and theft and drunkenness, and the chief says, "So why are you white folk always bringing rum to sell to us?" The reverend did not record his own answer...

Wednesday, October 16, 2002

this morning in the mail, four of my termpapers returned... I got 2 A's and 2 A+'s... lost some marks for punctuation :)
I have errands to run today, and I don't have to work again until next Wednesday. The guy whose lottery store it is right now was trying to get me to work a few more days for "training" but I said, no, I didn't think I needed them, thank-you. I've broken a tooth and need a dentist appointment, which is already made for next Monday... I know that he was just hoping for a bit more free labour. And I feel a bit mean in refusing, but I'm getting over it.

Monday, October 14, 2002

just for fun, a portion of the email my brother sent in response to my comment about the bed...

"...OH MY GOD. Yup it's comfy, and we got it for 2000 and it was regular 3000, but we are paying over two year so it feels cheap. Yah right. ANyway, it is a damn fine bed. So incredibly comfortable when you get into it it grips you around the body and holds on, and the covers just pad around the edges and boom, you're both sound asleep and warm, something to do with a layer of wool?..."

Unfortunately the apartment said bed resides in had spraying cats as former residents... nothing like the smell of boy-cat urine... hold on, I missed an inch of carpet.

Today and yesterday I worked at the candle store. Not much doing, really, everyone was off scoffing turkey. So I worked on my paper on sentencing patterns... as in jail, not as in grammar :)