Thursday, October 17, 2002

From one end of things to the other, today. Spent some of the morning helping Rachel's class read. "Stella is our new dog. When we say sit, Stella rolls over..." then from there I went to the library to research the Nisga'a (original residents of the Nass Valley, on the British Columbia North Coast) and their aboriginal title legal battles. I got a bit sidetracked reading missionary accounts from the 1890's, funny stuff, the reverend guys complaining about the "manners" of the Nisga'a and the Tsimshian. No idea that the Nisga'a probably thought these white folk were just plain crazy, always wanting to talk about the bible... At one point, the reverend is talking to a chief, and he tells him that the bible speaks against adultery and theft and drunkenness, and the chief says, "So why are you white folk always bringing rum to sell to us?" The reverend did not record his own answer...

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