Monday, October 13, 2003

well, lots of work got done today. Happily I will be able to hand in my six short papers tomorrow for the Restorative Justice class. That means, however, that I've got not much time left this weekend to do anything holidaylike, as I spent yesterday working on a presentation for my criminological theory class, and Saturday I worked. Oh well, at least I got to sleep in...

Sunday, October 12, 2003

my mother is being her usual provoking self. What's wrong with me that I let her push all my buttons all the time? she's got email now, and she sent me one last week saying that she wondered if I remembered a playdough recipe that she could use with the 18 month old twins that she babysits. I poked around on the net, and came up with a few, but they all involved cooking the dough in a saucepan, so I wrote back and said, "I don't remember, did we used to cook it?" Her reply was, "No, we used it like play dough. Never mind, you obviously don't know what I'm talking about".


So I wrote back, saying, "no, silly, I mean do you cook it to make it?" and got no reply. Apparently she also emailed Kim, her former secretary, and Kim, she told me on the phone, "being Kim, went straight on the net and sent me a recipe the same day".

She also told me that being with the twins is just like being with her grandchildren. Strangely enough, her grandchildren live 20 minutes away, and she shows little or no inclination to be with them. The last time I invited them over, they said, "We don't want to drive all that way just to sit with kids and dogs."

Time to move to Arizona. Me, I mean.