Friday, September 13, 2002

tonight, it's judicial review. And a paper on same. I'm reading the Supreme Court's website. Needs a few muppets to liven it up.

Thursday, September 12, 2002

Today, I have the flu. That my dear boy brought home from school with him. And I knew, when I spent the day cleaning up after barfing boy, that the next day... he goes back to school, and I take over in the barfing department. Ow. Yow. woof.

Wednesday, September 11, 2002

anyway. the neurologist says: I don't know what's wrong with you. He asks me, "what do you think it is?" Who makes the big bucks here, doc? So, it's official. He gets another consultation fee, but hey, sorry, DON'T know what's wrong. Do I sound bitter? I'm sorry. I'm trying to be Positive...
with my new resolve to be positive, here are:

ten things I like....

1. dogs. they are the only beings that can find an hour of fun in an empty marshmallow bag
2. classical music. because it goes on and on with no words
3. yams. with sugar and soy sauce and rice. sticky goodness.
4. small people. who go off to school and yell, "love you Mom."
5. my cow pajamas. that I can wear all day now that I'm not really working.
6. e-mail. which means I can talk to my little brother on the other side of the earth.
7. swollen members. just because
8. 9 days til the tragically hip!!!!
9. early mornings in the tomato patch. also pumpkins. my sincere pumpkin patch.
10. being alive :)

Tuesday, September 10, 2002

I feel better tonight. I got an e-mail from one of my teachers, and it was friendly. I was feeling that the overall tone of the letters I had received from the university was impersonal, and thinking that perhaps I had made a mistake. Now it's ok. I'm writing this paper for a human being to mark. If there is a drawback to distance education this is it...
Earlier on this year, in the pages of a diary I decided to go back to school. So here I am, writing a term paper, and starting a new thing. (A whole lot of writing is getting done, I also phoned my pa, who is busy getting ready to move, and engaged him in a half-hour discussion about his new linoleum and countertops, he's having a house built and these topics are generally good for quite a long phone call). Anyway.

I'm also sprouting lentils this week, and preparing to make something with the masses of apples I find in my backyard.

I went to apply for a job today. Another longterm project. I showed up at the store, as requested, and the woman flipped through my resume so fast she couldn't have read a thing on it except perhaps my name. Then she went on for a few minutes in confusing detail about how they were moving the store but not until October 15th, and needed someone for their new store, even though the ad said "start immediately". Once or twice I opened my mouth to say something, but this was not to be. I'm thinking I won't get the job.