Saturday, July 26, 2003

Rachel is very worried tonight. The parade went well, I sprayed the convicts while they supposedly pulled the Crimestoppers car with ropes attached to the front bumper, and Joy, who was driving, kept putting the brakes on and jerking them backwards, which the crowd thought was pretty funny. At one point, Tim, one of the convicts, started yelling at me "Water, I need water" (I was wearing the cop suit) and I yelled back at him, "No water for you", and a small boy came out of the crowd and gave Tim a bottle of water, to widespread amusement.

The fireworks were also good, tonight, we got waterfront perches and although Kirsten was convinced we were going to catch fire we remained unsinged and all was well. And our car escaped towing from the no parking zone we parked in.

Rachel is worried because there is, she says, a butterfly somewhere in the house. She is worried that the butterfly will come into her room while she is asleep and crawl up her nose. I don't know where she got this idea. I told her, yes, in fact it probably was an evil butterfly, and it was probably hiding in a corner somewhere thinking up things to do to her... When she finished laughing, she said "Would a butterfly realllllyyyy go up my nose?" No. it would not.

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