Sunday, May 08, 2005

I keep having the same dream, over and over. In my dream I am walking around a large and stately home, always a different house, but one that I know I have to move into. Sometimes there are locked doors, sometimes there are whole hidden floors accessed by strange passages, but a feeling of dread is pervasive. Sometimes I open the doors and rooms are full of manic ghosts or rotting bodies, boxes of spiders or snakes, unidentified ooze. Last night, it was staircases leading to nowhere, and ghosts walking up and down them dressed in old-time clothing. And lots of mirrors.

My friend Jane, who is interested in things metaphysical, says that a house in a dream represents one's psyche, and that I must have secrets I don't even reveal to myself.

On a more down-to-earth note, I am applying for jobs. I know, I do this all the time, but at least this time it's jobs I would like to do. One in particular in probation I'm finding very intriguing, although it would mean moving kinda far north. As in above the Arctic Circle. That north. I haven't said anything to anyone (well, except Miguel) because I don't want to get into discussions about the ramifications. I'll deal with all that if I have to. Although one thing that goes in my favour and makes me think it's not such a shot in the dark is the fact that Miguel's boss' sister lives in this particular town, and works for the Government of Nunavut. She's been trying to find me a job for a while, and she also has a project she wants Miguel to do... so we'll see.

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