Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Gee. I got an email today saying "you haven't updated in a long time"... this is true. I've been working full time, and spending my spare time doing all my volunteer stuff and applying for jobs. Bit of a theme, here.

The poster child for financial mismanagement (otherwise known as M's boss, and mine for the last few months) has gotten himself evicted from the offices we were occupying, so we spent the weekend ferrying everything across town to his garage. Yesterday the phones got hooked up in his basement, which is where the new 'office' is going to be. However, despite the fact that they were hooked up, they didn't ring, due to some glitch at the phone company. Anyone calling our number got a message telling them the number was out of service. Wonder how many customers we scared off today? Jane and I were pretty much sitting around watching soaps, because we couldn't make any calls. When the phones finally got going and started to ring, there was much scurrying around trying to figure out which one rang for which number. As two of them are dedicated to different projects and must be answered differently, we kept saying the wrong thing. We were commenting on the fact that stirring up one's routine keeps the brain young. At one point a phone was ringing in the upstairs of the house, and we stared at each other blankly, trying to decide whether we should go and answer that one...

At lunch time Jane plugged the kettle in, in the room she has a desk in (which also contains a tv and a pool table) and we made tea. Then I went looking for sugar in all the boxes in the garage and got nothing for my trouble except a black hand from a leaky printer cartridge and a bump on my head from a precariously balanced coat rack. Later on Jane asked me for a number from an invoice, and although I have my desk, it is missing the drawer where all the invoices are, and I can't find said drawer. Add to this the fact that the household dog and cat are very interested in all our doings, and we broke the coffee pot during the move, (which made Miguel very grumpy today), and perhaps the chaos is complete.

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