Thursday, December 15, 2005

I heard yesterday that I'm most likely wanted for the other job I mentioned last week... Good stuff.

I've been working for the last few days on a whole bunch of statistics for the Health Centre. A time-consuming study of maternal ages from 2001 to the present, and tabulating appointments made and kept over the last three months (on Mondays, interestingly enough, only half of the folks who make appointments actually show up). The maternal ages thing was complicated because: there's a database with birthdates of children. Ok, print that out. Then, on cards in the immunization files, I had to find each child's mother's name. Then, armed with mother's names, find their birthdates in a different database. Then figure out how old mom was when baby was born. I made cool tables. I guess the stats course earlier this year was useful for something.

Kids are off school now for Christmas break. Kirsten is dogsitting Kaylar, the dog next door. (we call the dog Teflon or Kevlar, and she's confused) Rachel is pigsitting her friend Liam's guinea pig, and Ian is ratsitting one of his teachers' degu. Apparently these are like large gerbils with tufty tails. In other words, everyone gets to go somewhere else for Christmas (Ontario) and we stay here and look after the animals. Still, kids are getting paid so they're happy, but Kaylar the wonder dog needs to be let out at 7am and Kirsten's not the biggest fan of that.

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