Saturday, January 07, 2006

My brain is a bit fuzzy, I'm looking forward to the sun coming back. I'm trying to overcome my desire to eat too much sweet/salty food, which I'm told is cravings caused by the darkness. One thing that's making it all a bit more bearable is that Miguel tried to order me a Globe and Mail Saturday subscription but they screwed up and sent me about two weeks worth of daily papers before we got it sorted out. So I've had news and crosswords galore. Just like home. The papers take between a week and two weeks to get here, and have been coming out of order but I don't care. (Just for the record, it would cost 950.00 to have the Globe and Mail delivered to our mailbox up here... the charge on his credit card was what alerted Miguel to the fact that something had gone wrong).

Going to the library. I wish to escape the mountains of laundry that appeared in the upstairs hallway when I asked if anyone had anything that needed washing. Rachel has tonsillitis again, and was feverish and confused in the night, poor kid. I spent some time sitting on the couch with her watching the sort of pre-teen sitcoms I normally abhor, because she wanted company.

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