Sunday, November 04, 2007

I know I've talked about this before. We played Trivial Pursuit tonight, the kids and I. Miguel is sick (he has a man-cold, which as we all know are much more debilitating than girly-colds) and was in bed.

Anyway. Did you know that the person who spent the longest time in jail after Watergate was Nelson Mandela? Or that the tennis player called SuperBrat was Marilyn Monroe? This last was my fault, because Ian was losing so I was mouthing "John MacEnroe" at him but he didn't quite get it. I liked some of the clues Kirsten gave him - the question was "Who made a boat out of gopher-wood?" and when he drew a blank she said to him, "He wasn't married to Joan of Arc..." and Ian got it.

And. As I said before, sometimes the explaining just gets too tedious. What was Watergate? I just said, "It's a long story."

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