Saturday, January 12, 2008

I noticed today that my profile has me listed as being 251 years old. Yesterday evening, I felt every day of it.

It was court week, which is always long and frustrating. Twice during the week, two different guards in the cell block walked into my office at 9am and announced their intention to go home. This would leave 12 people in cells wanting breakfast before court... To the first guard, I said, there's a number on the wall for someone who professed availability if anyone wanted to ditch a shift. She went away, and in the process of calling around, decided she'd stay. That was Tuesday. On Thursday morning, the guard walked into my office with her coat on and her bag on her shoulder and said, "I'm going home." And did. So I had to run back and forth between the phone, the front door (which is locked and no-one gets in unless they know the code) and the cell block where I was trying to make coffee and waffles for the folk in cells, until I convinced someone else to come and take over. When she walked in, I could have kissed her. By yesterday afternoon I was exhausted. But really it went quite well. I learn a bit more every time.

The sun came up yesterday. I took a picture, but it's not very good.

An interesting article - based on statistics I compiled.


Delia said...

I've had days like that. Gah. Sorry you had to go through that.

kaiela said...

When the new guard came in, after multiple phone calls, she was two hours late for her shift but I just said to her, "I am soooo happy to see you." I was worried that if I said, "You're freakin late" she'd just turn around and leave again...