Monday, March 17, 2008

Well, very soon we will be South.

I leave Friday for Edmonton. Then Florida. At minus 51, today, I can't wait. I was sorting out my summer clothes yesterday - tank tops that I generally wear under sweaters, a pair of cropped jeans I wore in Australia, some skirts I brought from Nanaimo and have never worn here - and they look so flimsy. I almost can't believe I'll really be wearing them. But it's 30 above in the Bahamas and I remember what that felt like the last time I went there. Hot. And sticky. I guess I'll have to buy a pair of shorts, as in sorting out I find I don't even own a pair any more.

Joeby is staying with the housesitters. I'll miss him. But he'll be ok. He likes company and he's not fussy who it is, as long as they don't mind being drooled on.

It's court week and I'm trying to finish everything I need to do before I go. I've got too many things to do on all fronts, as usual. I gotta figure out a way to make that stop.

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