Saturday, June 14, 2008

three for one court week

I know. It's been a while. I can only explain by saying that we ended up with almost three consecutive weeks of court. Partly because of this.

I can't sleep tonight.

Well, that's not completely true. I was asleep, very deeply, between 10pm and midnight, but then I woke up and tossed fretfully in a sweaty half-sleep. Very unpleasant, and the things going through my head were pointless and annoying. So I got up. Since Rachel's sleeping over at Siobhan's and the older two kids have to work tomorrow, the house is now quiet and still. I can't even hear the guinea pig we're looking after while its owner is on holiday. Cuddly little thing, but loud.

It seems we may also be looking after two small girls while their foster family is on holiday, starting the 21st. They are very cute, but they're six and seven and we're not used to that age any more. The last time they came to visit they played happily with my good china. I guess I'll have to put it away again. They go to their mom's house on the weekends if all is good in their world, so if we do have them it'll probably be only during the week.

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