Sunday, March 08, 2009

Hi, my name is Kate, and I'm a chocoholic.

Yeah, the universe is making this giving up chocolate thing very difficult.

So far in the last week I've been offered: chocolate bars (including the world's largest dark-chocolate-and-almond one brought back from YK by my new boss) chocolate chip cookies, chocolate chip cake (this one was HARD to resist) double chocolate cookies from a bake sale... and I'm sure some I've forgotten.

I really like chocolate. The hardest thing about the period of time when I wasn't eating any animal products was the lack of chocolate... and cheese. I like the way chocolate takes so long to eat, how it coats the inside of my mouth with soft sweetness, and the afterbite of the cocoa before the next creamy bite.

I'm not really helping myself, here. I should just go to bed. I just wanted you all to know that I really am making a sacrifice. A significant self-denial. I was thinking I might start stockpiling all the chocolate that's offered to me and then eat it all at once in a huge chocolatic binge when Easter comes but I suspect that's not the point either. oh well.

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