Friday, April 28, 2006

someone burnt down the old church... sad.

Earlier this week. Caller reports, "someone stole my kalvik." Call meanders on, yeah, we usually leave it in the porch overnight, forgot and left it outside, it was gone this morning. I'm taking it all down, but I'm a bit hazy on what a kalvik is. Kamiks I know, that's boots. So I say, "ok, so someone stole your, what did you say, your kalvik?" And the response is, "that's right, someone stole my good wolverine." I've been wandering around saying that to myself. (ok, and other people.) Stole my good wolverine. I had visions of an angry, toothy little carnivore being subdued and spirited away, scratching and nipping, perhaps stuffed down the front of someone's coat, but clarification came later, when I was explaining it to those on duty -- it was a wolverine pelt, stretched on poles. Its owners were displaying it. Anyway, all's well that ends well, the good wolverine was found. Case closed...

It is WARM!!!! It was 0 degrees Celsius today and there were puddles. I was out without toque, gloves, or snowpants. This weekend I may go for a longer walk. The days are very lengthy, now, it's fully light by 4am and it stays light until 11 at night. I've woken every morning this week at 3:30 and thought, "must get up, it's getting late."

I am still, for anyone who cares, not smoking. Soon it will be three months.


Edward said...

Hey! Thats great news. You and my sister seem to be on the same track. Keep it up.

My hat is off to anyone that can break their addictions since I seem to have such trouble with mine -- and they are childsplay in comparison.

kaiela said...

Thanks. It's going ok other than the usual very vivid dreams about smoking... (I've quit smoking more times than I can count.)

Delia said...

Congrats! And I'm glad about the weather too.

I almost spent a year in St. Petersburg, Russia teaching English, but I couldn't handle the extremes of dark and light. The winter I had no fear of, but 24 hours of light followed by 24 hours of I'd be so manic in the summers and then totally hibernating and incapacitated in the winter. I don't know how you do it.

kaiela said...

So far it seems that the manic / hibernating cycle is pretty accurate.

Oh, St. Petersburg is one place I'd love to spend some time in.

Delia said...

It was great...except for the whole Russian mafia thing. The family I stayed with during my tour...well, let's just say that they could never have needed that many VCRs or TVs. I'll blog about it this summer. Only one more week of teaching and then I'm on holiday for 6 weeks! Woo hoo! :)

kaiela said...

I'd love to read about it...