Saturday, November 04, 2006

Today is Ian's birthday. He's thirteen. Hard to believe. He's a good two or three inches taller than me, and still growing madly. At the moment, about an inch a month, which I wouldn't think possible if I wasn't living with him. He goes off to school in the morning and comes back taller in the evening. Ok, maybe that's an exaggeration. But you get the idea.

Roli, the newest member of the household, is settling in. He ate a library book, for some reason, yesterday morning while I was at work. I'm thinking of taking in the picture I took of him, to show the nice librarian lady. Here's my new dog. Isn't he cute. Here's what's left of the book he ate. It wasn't a very good book, anyway. One of those that looks good on the cover but turns out to be horribly written. I don't even think it was that tasty, because Roli didn't finish it either.


Delia said...

Happy Birthday to Ian! :)

Edward said...

My dog ate a Calculus book. I still tell myself thats because she didn't want me to see that she was working the problems in it.

kaiela said...

Jazz, my old dog, used to eat pencils, underwear, Lego, and dinosaurs. This book thing is a new one.