Sunday, November 05, 2006

We drove off up the river today on the snowmobile, to our cabin. The drive was frosty, and the cabin even more so when we got there. For a while on the way back my mind was empty, as we followed the track and the land melded with the sky.


Delia said...

You know, I haven't ever even been on a snowmobile. I can't imagine starting a sentence with "We drove off up the river today on the snowmobile...." My sister in Minnesota, however, I know has had many experiences like that. I've been skiing on their lake in February before. Whenever I visited in the winter, it always freaked me out to see people with their Ford F1-50s drive out onto the lake to set up their ice fishing cabins. For my sister and her family, however, it's right outside their back door and they see it every day, generally from mid-November until mid-March. Great cabin, by the way. Looks kind of like the one my sister has on the Kettle River in Northern Minnesota.

kaiela said...

I hadn't ever been on a snowmobile until I moved up here, but it's too much fun...