Friday, December 14, 2007

Ok. Because I read Delia's, this is my "Fifty things I love" list. They are in no particular order.

1. Coffee with real cream and lots of sugar.
2. Yams. Especially if they're in sushi.
3. The X-Files.
4. Nevil Shute. Or any other author with his laconic way.
5. Frogs.
6. Brie.
7. Waking up in the middle of the night with a revelation of some sort.
8. Dancing.
9. The Tragically Hip. In concert with me there dancing.
10. Lucy (my new niece).
11. Frozen blueberries with my cereal.
12. Noon in December in the Arctic. (picture to follow)
13. Driving the snowmobile too fast and listening to Justin Timberlake. Yes, they do go together.
14. The feeling of tiredness after a day of excellent skiing.
15. Scrabble.
16. Really short hair on men.
17. My job.
18. Long walks in the dark with someone to talk to.
19. London when it's raining and warm.
20. Ayya Khema.
21. Ecclesiastes. (1.9The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.)
22. Candles that don't smell like flowers.
23. Sandalwood.
24. Puppies that will sit on your lap.
25. Blackcurrant tea.
26. Singing. (not that I can, really, just that I enjoy it)
27. Hugs. Especially unexpected ones.
28. Paradise Valley behind Mount Temple.
29. Books that make me want to read them slower.
30. Old cemeteries.
31. Zombie movies.
32. REM and the Indigo Girls. This is cheating, it's two.
33. Knowing the answers.
34. Cooking for people.
35. Croissants. Especially in Paris. Heck, any food in Paris.
36. Going on trains.
37. Snorkeling in warm, warm water. (are there two l's? Snorkelling? Snork.)
38. Baths.
39. Laughing until I cry.
40. Leonard Cohen.
41. The feeling just after tequila hits your stomach at the start. (later is sometimes not so good.
42. Holding hands.
43. Smoking. (but no, I'm not.)
44. Talking all night.
45. Peonies.
45. (it's a tie) African Violets. Because they're fuzzy.
46. My blue sweater.
47. My grannie's cross. (and I'll probably not lose it, cos I had it tattooed on my ankle.)
48. Thai food.
49. Ian Rankin.
50. T.S. Eliot. For I have known them all already, known them all:—

Have known the evenings, mornings, afternoons,

I have measured out my life with coffee spoons;

I know the voices dying with a dying fall

Beneath the music from a farther room.

So how should I presume?

And if you have read this, consider yourself tagged... you're it. let's see your list :)


Delia said...

Hahahah Love it! How did I forget TS Eliot? "I have measured out my life in coffeespoons."

kaiela said...

I thought it was interesting that we both had 'trains' and 'scrabble' and that you had coffee twice and so did I if you count TS...

Delia said...

I didn't even realize I'd said it twice until I read this comment. LOL!! I really love my coffee, that's for sure. :)

Howlin Mad Murdoch said...

Great list! I accept the "tag" challenge...