Friday, January 01, 2010

Rock Band

So we welcomed in the New Year, Kirsten and Rachel and I, by doing the vocals for the Endless Setlist on Rock Band - all 84 songs, all in a row. I have to do all the songs that came out before about 1995, which includes some Journey, the Go-Go's, Fleetwood Mac, Billy Idol, Alanis Morrisette (my favourite - You Oughta Know) and some other random stuff, but Kirsten really did the majority of them. Rachel does a wicked "Psycho Killer" and Miguel came and did Aqualung because I hate that song. Ian did a couple where singing wasn't necessary, just rhythmic talking, and he made up zombie words for them.

I'm not actually trying to claim this as any sort of an accomplishment. The guys at work just raised their eyebrows at me when I said we'd spent all New Year's Day playing Rock Band. I was happy the girls asked me to help, and it was fun to do together. I like to dance while I'm singing, but they don't seem to mind.

When the kids first got their Rock Band, I was sitting in the living room and I was singing along while they tried to do "You Can Go Your Own Way" and were failing (the little indicator turns red) and they gave me the microphone. And then at regular intervals after that I'd walk in and they'd say, "Oh, good, you're here, do you know this one?" And I'd sing for them while they played their pretend instruments. Really, I never thought knowing all the words to "White Wedding" would get me any points with my kids.

It has been a good holiday, other than some difficulties with medications - they're still trying to find the balance for me, and I'm finding that tiring. On Thursday they put me back on one that I don't like because it makes me dizzy and spacey. (Dizzier and spacier than usual, I should say).

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