Wednesday, December 08, 2010


So I wrote a book, in November. Given that it was national novel-writing month. I took the plots (well, the ideas - plots are not my strong point) from the two books I've been playing with for the past ten years and amalgamated them into one book. I didn't look at anything I'd written, the hundred or so pages I had, between the two, I just started writing again from the beginning, wrote 1667 words a day, give or take, and now I have 50,000 words. A coherent whole. It needs a bunch of work, but I'm going to see if I can make it be a real book. If nothing else I can get the two ideas out of my head and start something new finally.

A strange thing happened, halfway through the writing process. I realized that I had set up something that totally made sense, without realizing it. And I managed to tie both plots together, and no-one will guess I'm thinking because I didn't even know until I got there. Now I just have to try and not screw that up by dropping too many hints.

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