Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Some things of note:

Cucumbers are currently $8.19 each. I like cucumbers, but not that much.

Coffee came in the mail. Mmm.

My last day at the post office is Friday. Yay!

The sun is peeking over the horizon at lunch time for an hour or so, now. It's pink and orange and very well-cherished. People keep coming into the post office and saying, "So nice to see the sun." Then they yell at me cos they've got no mail. Yeah, that's cos nobody loves you. Suck it up.

I spent ALL last week, (well, it seemed like it, 70 hours in all) sitting in a truck guarding the crime scene from the incident I linked to below. Triple homicide. Strange thing to happen in our otherwise pretty sleepy little town. Plus I worked my other regular jobs. I slept for 14 hours on Sunday night, after working a 12 hour day... I'm still a bit tired.

I'm still trying to find a dress for Graeme's wedding. The ones I like online are all back-ordered. Patti lent me two, but she's -- more of a woman -- than I am so they don't fit on top. Found a beautiful dress at Victoria's Secret but it won't be shippable until March 16th. The day after the wedding. Ack.

1 comment:

Howlin Mad Murdoch said...

I'm sure you'll find a nice dress soon....

Can't wait to see you!! Only two months to go!