Friday, June 29, 2007

Things I Did Today.

Slept in. - didn't wake up until 20 minutes before I'm supposed to be at work, and I managed to take a shower and let both dogs out. Arrived at work on time. With wet hair.

Sneezed on other people's keyboards. - One of the police databases accidentally got removed from my computer. I called the central help desk and they helpfully suggested that a tech should "stop in". Yeah. After his coffee break 5000 kms away. I'll leave the door open.

Watched the folk in cells inbetween everything else I was doing. - the weather is nice and nobody wants to work.

Fetched my foodmail from the airport - I love foodmail. Today we got nectarines and asparagus and dragonfruit yogurt tubes. And chocolate milk. which I hate, but it makes Kirsten happy.

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