Monday, June 30, 2003

drinking was fun. we had beer, and it was good. Then we walked home, about an hour, and along the way we changed a sign outside a church (not telling you which one). the message didn't make sense, it was one of those InsPiRational ones, and it said something about "That which it is, it is, and always will be your" or something, and we took an A and an S and another S and added them to the bottom, on a line of their own. Then a bit further on, some boys in a car shouted rude things at us (it was almost 3 am by that time) and Graeme mooned them. So we felt it necessary to sit behind a fence for rather a long time and hope they didn't come back and beat the shit out of us.

My stomach still hates me. As a mostly non-drinker, it wasn't sure what to make of the amount of beer...

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