Friday, May 02, 2008

Ah, it's FRIDAY.

I finished (at three minutes after five this afternoon) a project that has taken up my every evening this week, including last night until midnight, at work. Someone was rummaging through drawers, over in Iqaluit, and they found some stuff that needed to be transcribed because it's going to court next week, and sent it to me in a bit of a panic. I promised completion by the end of the week. I delivered it, but it was painful today because I was tired and my brain hurt and I kept having to go off and do other things (like the work I'm SUPPOSED to be doing) so it took longer to finish than I hoped. But, it's done now and I have no commitments for this weekend other than the last session of the lay leader course on Sunday.

Tomorrow I can sleep in.

And in a surprising reversal of the hate-on I was ascribing to the universe, the person who could have bumped me from my job has decided not to do so, and the guy who I was figuring wasn't really sending me my daybook wrote today and supplied me with a tracking number! Which indicates that my book is at the post office, believe it or not! It says they "attempted delivery" on the 28th (they did no such thing, I would have definitely gone and turned in the parcel card if'n I'd gotten it) so Monday 0830hrs I'm gonna go down and insist they produce it. We only have boxes, for mail, it's not like they came to my house or anything. I'll have a daybook, and I can stop keeping track of things by sticking post it notes to my coat, or emailing myself.

I still don't know whether I'll get to keep my job, but I have a better chance now, I think. And a daybook is not going to make me stop forgetting things entirely, but at least it gives me a place to write down "I owe $10.00 to the boy who dressed as a girl to go to the dance" and "if I don't buy more conditioner Kirsten will yell at me."

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