Saturday, May 03, 2008

Things I did today:

Got up early. couldn't sleep - it's not really getting very dark any more. I nap randomly.
Drank coffee. Probably too much. Sat around in my pajamas until noon.
Tidied up at work.
Cleaned my desk at home. long overdue. found a whole bunch of pens. some that even work.
Re-potted some plants. I'm growing a pineapple.
Cleaned house and cooked dinner, Miguel's parents came over because they're leaving soon.
Walked out to the dump with Patti. Everything was smouldering, no good pickings. Strangely, though, there were a lot of pickles.

Things I didn't do today:

The dishes from the dinner. I'll be sorry about this in the morning.
Work. I've done lots this week.
Wear my snowpants to the dump. I'm sorry about this already, as I'm chilled.
Go to the store. Now I'm really out of conditioner.

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